
How World Peace Will Come! PT7

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Literature Text

City of Peace, Finally

But in the end, the world will not be disappointed! Good news lies ahead.

The capital city of the modern-day Jewish nation of Israel is Jerusalem. Though this city has known nothing but war throughout its history, its name literally means “city of peace.” It carries this name because Christ—the prince of peace—will return there to establish His kingdom. The Prince of Peace will rule from the City of Peace. Beginning in this single city, peace will quickly spread around the world. Eventually, it will “break out” everywhere!

Final, true world peace, happiness, abundance and prosperity will come in your lifetime. It is as certain as the Word of God!
“Thy Kingdom Come”

Most people are familiar with what is called “The Lord’s Prayer.” Many can recite it without effort, having practiced it without understanding that it is simply a model or guideline for how to pray. I learned it at age four. It begins, “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth…” (Matt. 6:9-10). This short prayer continues for three more verses. But, of the millions who know and use it, how many actually think about the phrase “Thy kingdom come”—or God’s “will [His Master Plan] being done on earth”? For 2,000 years, many may have basically sought to follow Christ’s instruction, praying, “Thy kingdom come” without ever really pondering the staggering meaning behind this small phrase.

Have you?

Only a few verses later, in the same chapter, Christ stated, “But seek you first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (vs. 33). Christians must be continually seeking the kingdom of God FIRST—above everything else—in their lives! How can they do this if they do not know what it is—or when it will come—or how it affects their own salvation?

But now you do!

Will you pray, “Thy kingdom come”? Will you make your “calling and election sure” (II Pet. 1:10)? Will you overcome as Christ did? Will you grow, qualify, and develop in spiritual character—gain more pounds than when you started, so God will get a “return” on His investment in you? Or will you bury your pound, and with it your opportunity to rule over all nations in God’s kingdom—to teach others the right way of life?
Only God’s Government Brings Peace

The following quote comes from the conclusion of Herbert W. Armstrong’s booklet WORLD PEACE How It Will Come. Found under the subhead “Can’t Know the TIME,” this is a marvelous summary of the amazing truth contained in the title statement:

“Just what did Jesus mean, ‘It is not for you to know the time or the seasons’? He explained it another time. It is recorded in Matthew 24:36. There He was speaking of the end of this world, and His Second Coming:

“‘But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my father only.’ He was speaking of His Second Coming and the setting up of the Kingdom, the time of which no man knows, but only the Father.

“However, though we do not, even now, know the day or the hour, we do know, from God’s prophecies, that it is today very near! Notice this, in Luke 21:25-32: He had been foretelling the world events, right now beginning, leading to ‘distress of nations’ in world troubles and world wars, ‘with perplexity…mens hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things that are coming on the earth’—world troubles such as never before experienced. ‘When ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.’

“So all signs show we are in the very last generation of this present evil world.
The Two Fateful Alternatives

“This world trouble began in 1914, with World War I. There was a recess from 1918 until 1939. We are in a second recess now—although we have been in what we call ‘COLD WAR.’ But now at last we have nuclear energy. We have hydrogen bombs stock-piled in such power and volume that they could blast all human life off this planet several times over. There are two other destructive weapons today in existence, either of which could erase humanity from the earth.

“Today world-famous scientists say only a super world-government can prevent world cosmocide. Yet men cannot and will not get together to form such a world-ruling government.

“It’s time we face the hard, cold, realistic fact: humanity has two alternatives: either there is an Almighty, all-powerful god who is about to step in and set up the Kingdom of God to rule all nations with supernatural and supranational FORCE to bring us peace—or else all human life would be obliterated (Matt. 24:22).

“The present ‘recess’ will soon erupt into nuclear World War III—called, in biblical prophecy the ‘Great Tribulation’ (Matt. 24:21-22). But God will cut short that final supreme world trouble, and send Christ again to earth as King of kings, Lord of lords—to restore God’s government by the world-ruling Kingdom of God and to bring world peace at last.”
City of Peace, Finally
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